What is Montessori prepared environment?

The Montessori method of education places great importance on the prepared environment, which refers to the physical, social, and emotional setting in which learning takes place. In a Montessori classroom, the prepared environment is designed to foster independence, exploration, and self-discovery in children.

Here are some key features of the Montessori prepared environment:

1. Child-sized furniture and materials: The classroom is set up with furniture and materials that are scaled to the size of the children. This helps them feel comfortable and allows them to easily access the materials they need.

2. Order and simplicity: The classroom is organized and uncluttered, with materials arranged in an orderly and accessible way. This helps children develop a sense of order and helps them focus on their work.

3. Natural materials: Montessori materials are made from natural materials, such as wood, metal, and glass. This helps children develop a connection to the natural world and provides a sensory experience.

4. Freedom of movement: Children are free to move around the classroom and choose their own work. This promotes independence and allows children to explore and discover at their own pace.

5. Mixed-age classrooms: In Montessori classrooms, children of different ages are grouped together. This allows younger children to learn from older children and older children to develop leadership skills.

6. Prepared adult: The Montessori teacher, also known as a "guide," is trained to observe and guide children in their learning. The guide creates a supportive and nurturing environment, and works to foster each child's individual interests and strengths.

Overall, the Montessori prepared environment is designed to provide children with the freedom and tools they need to explore and learn in a self-directed way.

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